Functional Linguistics, Examination of Quran Verses Which Are Adorned with Signs of Day of Doom (29th & 30th part as the sample)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Arabic Literature & Language, University of Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Isfahan, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Isfahan, Iran


The functional approach has different schools, for example the school of London. This school (1916) has founders and the most prominent among them is Mikael Halliday who develops the contextual theory of firth (1960) then positioned a linguistic theory and called it the systemic grammar (1985). This theory is based on multiple language functions. In the present study, by using the descriptive-analytical approach we try the verses which are adorned with the signs of Day of Doom which are linguistically analyzed according to Halliday's systemic grammar in three aspects; experiential, interpersonal, and textual metafunction. Regarding the experiential metafunction, it was found that the material process enjoys the most frequency and accords with the context of verses. This is because the nervous atmosphere which prevails before Day of Doom requires the use of verbs implying action. With respect to interpersonal metafunction, we found that polarity of all verses is positive and the verses are full of declarative mood and past verbs for notification of the incidence of incidents before Day of Doom. The analysis of textual metafunction revealed that multiple theme has high frequency. Further, including new information in theme position indicates that what happens in Day of Doom is new. The analysis of verses with respect to cohesion revealed that grammatical cohesion has a prominent role in the integrity of verses.


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