The Stylistic studies look at the literary text as a homogeneous and coherent unit that we cannot isolate its parts from each other. And this Research studies the Syllabic system in the Yunes Surah, and this is one of most important part of the Phonetical Studies in Stylistic based on the statistic Syllabic Phonetics and analyzes them in this text. It was observed that this Surah Almost has a Rhythm unity which is rarely seen. Its tones go up or down except when necessary. It means that the Special syllable increases according to the meaning. And It is worth mentioning that the syllables in these Surah are Dispersed in the wonderfully and comfortable form. And it was observed that the short syllable (CV) is the most repeated phonetic in the surah; therefore, the surah is based on this syllable. And the close syllable (CVC) is occupied in second place in repetition. Then the open syllable (CVV) is Gained through the third place. And this is the same thing that prevails in the Syllabic System in Arabic language. Therefore, the Surah is not inconsistent with the Syllabic system in Arabic language.
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Khalifeh Shooshtari, M. I., & Rabiei, T. (2019). The Semantic Study of the Syllabic System in Yunes Surah. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 15(3), 359-382. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2019.260965.825
Mohammad Ibrahim Khalifeh Shooshtari; Taleb Rabiei. "The Semantic Study of the Syllabic System in Yunes Surah", Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 15, 3, 2019, 359-382. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2019.260965.825
Khalifeh Shooshtari, M. I., Rabiei, T. (2019). 'The Semantic Study of the Syllabic System in Yunes Surah', Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 15(3), pp. 359-382. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2019.260965.825
Khalifeh Shooshtari, M. I., Rabiei, T. The Semantic Study of the Syllabic System in Yunes Surah. Quarterly of Arabic Language and Literature, 2019; 15(3): 359-382. doi: 10.22059/jal-lq.2019.260965.825