Music in the Poetry of Ashura between Tradition and Creativity (Jawad Jamil's Poetry as a Model)

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran


The contemporary Iraqi poet, Jawad Jamil, is a poet who is committed to poetry and his office, Al-Hussein is a second language, is one of the most important literary productions in Ashura literature, which starts from an Islamic vision that aims to present the old question in a new form and style. It is characterized by its unique structure, where the poet walked in the path of creativity and renewal, it is contemplated by the Court will deliver a series of poems and poems are closely linked between them did not find similar to the previous Ashura poetry in the old and new and characterized by multi-meaning, and versatility in meaning, and versatility in meaning Imagination through the intersection of the senses, and the overlapping of texts and .... However, critical studies concerned with the objective level and rarely addressed the linguistic characteristics, including music, which is at the heart of poetic creativity as it has an active role in the composition of the text and search for it gives a vision of poetic art. The present research has sought to reveal the prevailing system in the Court, based on the descriptive-analytical approach, to the aspects of creativity and tradition in the group's rhythmic structure. We believe that the group consisted of the most poetic pieces in the system of free poetry and the rhiz and light of the most seas present between his old poetry and his creativity to use a variety of seas in one hair, as well as the diversity in rhyme and poetry systems on the structure of muwashahat is one of the creations of the poet His classical poems, despite his traditional framework, are characterized by some manifestations of renewal towards the mixing of free and vertical poetry into a single poem. The poet also draws from the rhythmic energies of internal rhythm and its psychological connotations. Part of the poet's experience and poetry.


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