National Identity in Children's Poem of Solaiman al-Isa (Cultural Semiotics Study)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


Children's literature is an appropriate field for education and culture, so as a cultural and semiotic text with hidden system of signs, aims to build the pillars of child’s identity and prepare to reach the top horizons of the future. Solaiman al-Isa, has been trying to look at the world and nature around the children from the perspective of his sings and songs. He creates the basic foundations of children’s perception and deepens their perspective on the fundamental issues, such as the subject of homeland. This paper through cultural semiotics tries to examine the self and the other and their inter-subjectivity. Therefore, a descriptive-analytic method was used to investigate the identity structure in the poems of Solaiman al-Isa as a cultural text. So to read the signs that tries to indicate in the scope of “Self” “Other” since the essence of identity is being aware of the similarities and differences with” Other” in order to indicate that how the codes of cognitive structure of children in homeland are plotted in the poems. The results show that the poet portrays national identity in the semiotic framework, by invoking the inanimate and animate elements of nature. First, he discusses the issue of the Arab homeland in a dialogic interaction of "self" and inner other ", then considers the enemies and occupiers as " outer other " outside the system of self-conscious as non- culture, so that the future generation's future horizons will depend on fighting and destroying them.


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