The Manifestations of “Arab cultural Presence” in the Poetry of Persian Poets, According to the French School (Pessimism to the Owl, for Example)

Document Type : Research Paper




It was said in the literary, historical and religious texts of ancient Iran that the owl was a blessed bird loved by them. It was said that a large part of the Zoroastrian Avesta was singing on his tongue; so that when he was reading this owl (Avesta) the demons and the Ahrman fled from his annoying cry, For fear of it. The Arabs considered the owl to be an ominous bird in general, absolute, as it suggests misery, misery and death, according to their intellectual and cultural resources. This pessimistic view was gradually leaked to the Persian, and was rooted in the perspective of the optimistic Persians and the writers and poets until they replaced them. The Persian literature and the Iranian poets' literature remained only a small fraction of that usual optimism. After Islam entered Iran in the Sassanian days and their beliefs in the Persian society, In this study, we seek to shed light on the influence of the culture of the pre-Islamic Arabs on the Persian poets in pessimism based on the theoretical principles of the French school in comparative literature as we try to show the motives of pessimism in the Persian literature influenced by the Arabs of pre-Islamic. One of the most important findings of this study is that the pope has an optimistic view of the ancient Persians, so that they attributed it to the blessed asceticism and sanctified the sanctification of the gods and raised it to the level of sanctification and worship. But this bird lost its positive face in the Persian literature gradually during the fifth and sixth centuries AH and beyond influenced by the Arabs of the pre-Islamic. We now do not see the optimistic spirit that is required to be present in the Iranian writers and poets except in some very rare cases we often meet negative images of the face of the owl completely.


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