Narratology of the Child Poetry Texts Based on Propp’s Theory: Case study “I narrate my childhood for you, children” poem by Suleiman Al-Isa

Document Type : Research Paper


1 جامعة خلیج فارس، بوشهر

2 عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه خلیج فارس، بوشهر


The study of narrative and its elements has been reported by lots of researchers of narratology scope so far as they proceeded to the investigation of different types of literary works with a narrative-criticism approach. With the expansion of narrating works the literary-critics theories have been developed including the famous Russian theorist' approach, Vladimir Propp, that proposed a regular method with a reliance on "character". He studied the Russian folklore stories and concluded that each of these tales had a constant structure with constant functions and just characters changed. In over past decades works related to childish literature has a special place and take into account by lots of critics including childish poem, among other types of contemporary literacy, is a "toddler" in the Arabic and even world literature. Among authors and poets interested in childish literature, Suleiman Al-Isa is a Syrian one. In the present research, the elegy "I narrate my childhood for you, children" was selected and discussed using analytic-descriptive method focusing on Vladimir Propp method in the "Morphology of the folk tales" book. After mentioning theoretical discussion, the elegy was studied and concluded that Al-Isa applied important features of narrating elements like character and its function and characterizations that is a base of Vladimir Propp while the context and narrator was stated simply, childishly and easily understandable in order to be understandable and tangible for his addressees, children. In addition to characterizations special for the processing of hero characteristic, the exchange technique was applied as one of the main narrative elements.


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