Levels Stylistic in the Poem "Nhj Al Burda" in the Praise of the Prophet to Hashim al-Rafa'i

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor at Arabic language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr. Iran


Stylistics is a new approach to the study of the style of writers and poets, thereby distinguishing artistic speech from ordinary speech. This term attracted the attention of the critics in an effort to examine the technical structures and techniques used by poets and writers of the technical beauty of the text. This research focuses on the style of one of Hashem Al-Rahai's poems, the "Nahj Al Burda" ode; The poetry that the poet has written to imitate busiri and it speaks of the miracles of the Prophet and the events that happened in their time. The present study is descriptive-analytic and, based on the statistical method, it is intended to examine the structure of the "Nahj Al Burda" ode at three levels: phonetic, hybrid, and rhetorical and through this the beauty of the hidden beyond these levels is explained. The results of this study indicate that the abundance of acoustic and violent voices has had a great influence on the creation of the inner vocabulary of the verses, and has created a magnificent and magnificent affinity that is in line with the theme of the verse, the prophesy of the Prophet (pbuh). At the combined level, the current sentences, which indicate the increasing virtues of the Prophet (pbuh), have a higher frequency than nomadic sentences, as well as the poet at this level for the bowing and honoring the dignity of the Prophet (pbuh) on the Neda formulation, which leads to the approximation of Manda Becomes a reader, he has a lot of emphasis. At the rhetorical level, the poet has also benefited from the expressive manifestations of the Prophet (pbuh) and his approximate representation of the reader as well as his emotional expression.


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