Narrator's Technique and his Narrative Vision in Saad Mohammed Rahim's Novel Discourse

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


The study considers that narrator is the most accurate saying of the narrative process, considering it as a mediator between narrated and narrate, and a major guide to the ideology of the text because he has a dominant vision in the narrative formulation, and thus the study began to search for it in the light of the structural approach, taking advantage of the theories of structuralisms in the field of narrator types and narrative visions , So that researchers can reach the world of novelist Saad Mohamed Rahim, which is three novels Saad Mohammed Rahim (Hymn woman. Twilight of the sea, killing of bookseller, and space for madness) and exploring the two techniques in the folds of narration, which made the research revolves around two axes: theoretical and applied. The study revealed that The novelist took advantage of the contemporary narrative style and is limited to three ways: a narrator who knows more than personality, and narrator is equal in science with personality and narrator who knows less than personality. The author also presented his novels with pronouns. The visions are mainly based on the problem of war: with America in the twilight of the sea, with the economic blockade of the West in the killing of bookseller, and with the International Alliance in a space of madness. The foci are not only floating, but rather like icebergs. Have hidden origins and can be linked to the problem of civilizational conflict with the West for self-discovery or national identity.


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