A Critical Introduction to the Theory of Literally and Meaning in the Arabic Language

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Among the important topics in linguistic research are two elements of the literally and meaning. Critics, translators, or interpreters are facing with fundamental challenges related to the literally and meaning about examine any text that has many semantic hints and delicacies. So sometimes he doesn't know that which of these elements to priority and know the authenticity with it. Because in many cases, it is the text literally that actually identifies the meaning or layers of meaning. And perhaps with the rhetorical and other rhetorical, semantic, phonetic, morphological and syntactic structures cannot be reflected the same. Semantic dimensions of the text. However, some scholars have prioritized one of these two important linguistic elements over the other. The present study aimed to investigate the linguistic validity of the rhetoric and semantics and the relationship between these two components in the texts by descriptive-analytical method. After the critiquing of the views, describe the way and levels of the relationship that exists between these two key features. The research results show that whereas the literal meaning of Literally is contracted between the intended audiences of a language, there is a kind of cohesive, interconnected relationship between the Literally and some semantic layers in the texts that it has been used for messaging. It was literary value and Prevents from criticizing, which translating or interpreting the meanings of such texts without regard to their rhetoric and initial meanings. The convention of a language is to describe a literally in a sense given its formal, functional, genitive characteristics is the meaning or results it could be have.


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