Comparative Stylistics in Qasidas Al-Mesa of Khalil Mutran and Al-Atlal of Ibrahim Naji (According to an American School)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor Department of Arabic Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran

2 M.A. Student, Department of Arabic, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran


There are similar contents in the poems of some poets because they share social and personal features in common. Qasidas Al-Mesa and Al-Atlal are two notorious contemporary Arabic lyrics with multiple jointly shared stylistic and romantic features such as gloriousness, grief, and more. Despite independence in the way of structuring, but these two Qasidas are tied because of thematic and spiritual features shared jointly by both poets. For instance, the two poets were innovative and worked on ancient costumes. This descriptive-analytical investigation attempts to, eloquently and artistically, reveal thematic and semantic features similar in these two works through a comparative stylistic approach. The results indicate artistic, eloquent, and semantic features that are common between the two Qasidas and appear in grief, repine of separation, spiritual praying, and more.


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