Lamentation of Imam Hussein (AS) in the Poem of Abu Dahbel al-Jamohi (Stylistic study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Arabic, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The stylistic study is a modern and influential approach that emerged following the linguistic developments of recent centuries and took the basic building blocks of linguistics and mixed with its various new currents to delve deeper into the texts. Stylistics is based on the analysis of the phenomena of the text according to the familiar levels, for the whole. On the other hand, committed literature as an important branch of literature, gives poetry high goals that affect the recipient as well as the community through the dissemination of ideas and philosophies; thought has an important role in the selection of textual phenomena of the most important branches of committed literature, the desired literary texts in love Ahl al-Bayt, especially the love of Imam Hussein (p), which has been interested in poets since the earliest ages to date, including these committed poets Abu Dahbal Jamahi, the great Umayyad poet who sang a poem in the lament of the Imam Hussein (p) and chose it because of the era of Imam Hussein (p) as He was one of the first poets who inherited the mother M (p). In this regard, we conducted a stylistic analysis in the lament of Imam Hussein (AS) and how his personality reflected in this poem according to its four levels (rhythmic, morphological, grammatical, and semantic). Our study shows that the poet was so interested in the musical element that it gives it the essential role in generating the general atmosphere and creating photography, as well as choosing from morphological elements and grammatical structures that suit the memorial and inspiration of the epic space.


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