Effectiveness of Using Storytelling to Develop Speaking Skill for Students (Students of Arabic Language and Literature at Shiraz University) as an Example

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran

2 M.A. Student, Department of Arabic, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran


Nations throughout the epochs and ages depend on languages by which they express their living reality in full freedom and fluency, and what they face through different situations in their daily life. Obviously, this is done by expression, orally or by writing. Since the oral expression is older than the written expression, what is noticed is that members of one community must use oral expression as a means of expressing what comes up with their being and mind of feelings, thoughts, etc. This research aims to discover the effectiveness of communicative activities in teaching the intermediate level curriculum of conversation or verbal expression. Conducting the proposed programs will lead to raising the deficiencies of the teaching methods and reforming the curriculum of the conversation subject (in its second or intermediate stage) for Bachelor of Arabic Language students in Iranian universities. The necessity of the research lies in drawing the attention of those involved in the formation of Arabic language curricula in general and the conversation curriculum in particular, focusing on the use of modern teaching methods and removing obstacles by developing conversation processes and activities among students. Therefore, the current study relied on the semi-experimental approach, because it achieves the objectives of this study, which is the knowing of the differences between the two experimental and experimental groups. The first group (the control) will be taught according to the chat activities and processes presented in the students textbook, without any change. As for the second (experimental) group, it is taught, with proposed activities, which is to talk about individual memories, a specific movie story, a certain personal life or a story of a particular book. These classes will take an entire semester period. Finally, another test is conducted for the two groups, after which the results will be analyzed to know the effectiveness of the proposed approach and achieving of the research goal. The results of the research point to the role of classroom activities of fictional expression and its effect on developing the skill of the experimental group for the oral expression.


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