Addressing the Techniques of Grammatical Cohesion and its Implications in Light of Structural Linguistics, (A Textual Study in the Fence Associated with the Resurrection as a Model)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The resurrection is one of the most important issues that have occupied man's mind and attracted his attention during the centuries. This wall has contributed greatly to the enlightenment of ideas and the construction of the idea of the Ba'ath in its rhetorical methods. The coherence of the text with its manifestations and techniques explicitly helps to highlight the eloquence and aesthetics of the texts in those fences. This research aims to study the techniques of grammatical cohesion and its significance in the selected Quranic Surah’s to reveal their effectiveness in communicating the message guaranteed by the Qur'an to the descriptive-analytical approach, using the structural linguistic orientation. Finally, the research concludes that the techniques of grammatical coherence from the combined correlation, commentary, assignment, repetition, parallelism, theoretical and semantic correspondence, conscientious and communicative play, textual attribution, referral and expressions have all helped to achieve the message that the Qur'an intended to convey to the people .Were it not for this cohesion, the text would be naked and the intent of those verses would be lost. The Qur'an has invested these techniques to create a huge structure so that the reader can swim in the vicinity of the Koranic text and hunt the inherent Durras.


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