Apostrophe and its Cohesion Effectiveness on Hajj Surah as well as its Translations by Fooladvand, Khorramshahi and Mohaddes Dehlavi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 Associate Professors, Department of Arabic, Arak University, Arak, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Undoubtedly, exquisite rhetoric and verse in Quran is one of the most obvious and remarkable miraculous aspects. The “Apostrophe” style is a kind of the Holy Quran’s miraculous rhetoric by which the base of miracle is formed. So, the “Apostrophe” is a kind of deviations, with lots of rhetorical concepts and mysteries, used variously and extensively. Therefore, a translator should be careful about its translations in order to give the cohesion text continuously. What takes evident is that some parts of concepts are normally lost during the translation. So, the translator should remunerate the conceptual weakness within the different parts of the text anyway. On other hand, if a translator cannot find the convenient equivalent of translation of a phrase or literary figurative, it would be better for him/her to apply the “Compensation” method. Then, it sounds that to use the “Compensation” method will be useful one during the translation of rhetorical consideration because it makes clear the Persian structure and context differently. More importantly here, three selective translators applied the Compensation method within the translation of apostrophes of Hajj Surah but in a few cases so that their translations are close to literal ones which make ambiguity and dissociation in the meaning and the readers’ minds respectively. Although, Fouladvand’s translation is equivalence and Khorramshahi’s, contextual, they ignored the rhetorical concepts of apostrophe. So, we are going to study the different kinds of consideration within Hajj Surah and its translation quality (Fouladvand’s, Khorramshahi’s and Mohaddes Dehlavi’s) as an analytic-contrastive method statistically.


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