Analysis of the Discourse in the Poem "Azahat Deyaro Almaredyna Tolola" by Mahmoud Manaf; Stylistic Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic, Garmsar Branch, Azad University, Garmsar, Iran

2 Associate Professors, Department of Arabic, Garmsar Branch, Azad University, Garmsar, Iran

3 Assistant Professors, Department of Arabic, Garmsar Branch, Azad University, Garmsar, Iran


Seyed Mahmoud Mohammad Al-Musawi, nicknamed Mahmoud Manaf, is one of the contemporary poets immersed in the world of Arabic literature, who despite his genius in composing many poems in the scope of religion, belief, wisdom, Hosseini epic, political poems, lyrics, mysticism, praise of the Prophet and praise of Imam Mahdi (A.S) is still unknown in literary and critical circles, and his poems are still far from the studies that show the beauty of his poetic style. This article, with a descriptive and analytical method and with the aim of examining the cognitive style of one of its ideological poems under the title of " Azahat deyaro almaredyna tolola", is the topic of a debate between Imam Hassan (AS) and Mu'awiyah and his companions. The article examines three levels: intellectual level, literary level, and language level. At the intellectual level, the idea of poetry and what happened during the debate of Imam al-Hassan (AS) with Mu'awiyah and his companions is described. At the literary level, the common literary styles in this poem is examined, and at the linguistic level, the vowels, consonants, and letters used in the poem are examined, and finally the way words and phrases were used are analyzed. One of the findings of this study is the poet's sincere love. For this purpose, he uses different poetical meters, which is one of the best ways to highlight simple and uncomplicated emotions such as anger, joy and pride. Thus, it is concluded that the use of overt letters is more than covert letters, and this is commensurate with the general atmosphere of the poem, because it expresses the intensity of his anger at the Umayyad policy. Regarding the literary level, the poet has used most of his metaphors and similes about the wrong policies of the Umayyads in order to denounce their policies, and also the percentage of similes used in praising the Ahl Al-Bayt (members of the family of the prophet) is more than other similes. Most of the sentences in this poem are short and Jomley-e Fe'liyye, (verbal sentence).


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