A study of the Opposite Words of the Holy Qur’an Based on the Comparative Approach Between the Semitic Languages

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Graduated, Department of Arabic, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D. Graduated, Department of Arabic, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The subject of comparative linguistics corresponds to different languages and reveals similarities and differences between them. The division of languages in Indo-European or Semitic languages is the result of revealing the existence of similarities between languages in many fields. it is not forgotten that these Languages are the primary source of the comparative linguistic lesson in the Arabic language is based. this comparison leads to the conclusion of language judgments that we would not have reached if our study was limited to only one of the languages. The study of words in the framework of languages, based on the comparative approach, assists in accurate and correct translation due to the sensitivity of the translation of Arabic texts. especially The Holy Quran. Since Semitic languages belong to a linguistic family, this article identifies opposite and common names in Arabic, Hebrew, Phoenician and translates them according to the context of the text and what the phrase or verse requires in translating. The research has shown that the Qur’anic vocabulary may have two-fold meanings that the context and the linguistic fabric help to reveal. Because whenever the passage of time changes the semantic meaning of a Qur’anic term, the researcher deserves him to refer to the origin of the stems of the language to clarify that connotation.


Main Subjects

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