The Effect of Aesthetics of Phenomena of Rhythmic Defamiliarization in the Poems of Ez al-Din al-Manāsara (Case Study of the Book of Poems "Anab Al-Khalil)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor, Department of Arabic, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran


Defamiliarization in its simplest sense means opposition to the norm and the most beautiful benefit of this is the creation of strangeness that distinguishes between literary language and ordinary discourse language. There are several types of the de-familiarization but the present article has tried to analyze the phonological De-familiarization in the poems of Ez Al-Din Al-Manāsara, especially in the Divan of Anab Al-Khalil, published in 1968. The purpose of writing this article is to study the aesthetics of the prominent phonetic variables in the two outer (Arudi) and inner (phonetic and intellectual) layers. The method of writing in this article is descriptive-analytical in which the poem of al- Manāsara has been placed as a basic subject for research, and the characteristics of the familiarization of the sound that had a high frequency in her poems have been determined and explained. the results of the research are concerned that the poet in external music has used the techniques such as implication, Tadvir, integration of the foots and integration of free verse and classic verse that the aesthetics of the use of these defamiliarizated techniques, in addition to attracting the attention of the audience, is the creation of objective unity


Main Subjects

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