The Image of the Other Jewish in "AHMAD MATAR" Poem, An Imagologie Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Arabic language and literature, Al-Farabi Complex of Tehran University, Qom, Iran

2 Department of Arabic language and literature, Al-Farabi complex of Tehran University, qom, Iran


Ego's relationship with the other is an interactive non-specific  relationship, because it's an extracted image from the self-perspectives that can be painted into several shapes according to the stimulations which the feeling sends in sensory or non-sensory way while attacking the other, so the image of the other is a type of a tendency to the oneself and the challenges that Ego's identity faces when crashing with the other, both ego and other are sending oscillations to the receiver establishing some idea or to proving his existence, because the study of the other image is non-sensory statement to the core of the stricken ego, these research have spread from France in a attire of (Imagologie) that focused its efforts on the artistic and literary aspects to the image of foreign people in national literature which consider one of the branches of comparative literature, that study the points of convergence between the different kinds languages of literature and its historical connections, also what she is affecting or has an impact on it. That’s why this study that searched for the other Jewish image from Ahmad Matter perspective and how this image was demonstrated and the motivations that have motivated him, it used the descriptive-analytical methodology to the purpose of reaching its results that refer to the obligation being overwhelmed by the negative image over the positive one in both pronunciation and connotation. So, the other Jewish appeared in several forms, a disgraced image that appeared in miniaturization of words and dissonant of function and an image of a murderer wants to destroy Ego and an image of furious enemy wants to force space-time with sultan Ego also an image of seditious absorption without forgetting the positive image that is showing in religious and historic heritage.


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