Linguistic techniques in the prose poems of Al-Qasha'ila (Through the home window as a model)

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran


Language in poetry is a means employed by the poet to express his thoughts and feelings, and its purpose is to influence. Poetry, as Adonis says, does not explain, interpret or transmit the world, but rather recreate it anew on the test of the poet’s experience. A glorified poet is one who infuses his poetry with linguistic techniques that distinguish him from others. As a Palestinian poet, Al-Qasha'leh employed many of these techniques in his poetry to express his feelings about his homeland. And his poetry is full of emotions in an emotional context, as the poet seeks to stir up in the hearts of his citizens, the strong emotions and the spirit of work in order to reach freedom. By using the descriptive-analytical approach, this article seeks to reveal the important themes in a divan through the home window and the linguistic mechanisms that the poet resorted to in creating his poetic composition. The research concluded that Al-Qasha'leh used various techniques that contribute to forming his mental images. The vocabulary forms in the poetry of Al-Qasha'leh a fertile field for transmitting meanings in a suggestive way that the poet employs to unleash the suggestive energies in linguistic structures and tries to reform them according to his vision. They include: the reporting system, writing, suggestive, recording monitoring, linguistic anchor, synergy, narrative, interconnectedness, dramatic and speech construction, vocabulary, the focus of discourse, and sign language. All of them indicate the Palestinian identity, the sense of loss, and the desire for freedom.


Main Subjects

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