Patterns of heteroglossia in Farouk Gouida and Reza Baraheni poems based on Mikhail Bakhtin's theory, (A comparative study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran

2 Postdoctoral researcher of Arabic Language and Literature, Iran's National Elites Foundation, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran


Heteroglossia is one of the most common critical methods in demonstrating the creativity of a conversational style in relation to another language and consciousness. According to Mikhail Bakhtin, heteroglossia is realized in linguistic intertwining with more than one voice in different linguistic units, in which the other can play an essential role in showing the intrinsic and social characteristics of the narrator. Narrative dialogue in the poetry of Farouk Gouida and Reza Braheni is often based on heteroglossia in the face of different values and ideas, which in addition to its great importance in freeing the narrative from the narrator's dominance and avoiding the monotony of one-sided expression, In terms of form and content, it has become a useful technique to attract the viewer's attention and convey different views on narrative events. This study, by adopting a descriptive-analytical method in its study, intends to implement patterns of heteroglossia in the poetry of Farouk Gouida and Reza Braheni from the point of view of Mikhail Bakhtin and based on the principles of the American school of comparative literature. Summary of research results in selected samples of their poetic texts indicates that heteroglossia is distinct in Farouk Gouida's poetry based on its functions in the types of hybridization, stylization, and pure dialogue with the dynamics of the languages that they represent public opinion to prepare the conditions for the poet to accept his desired ideologies and ideas. Therefore, the discourses of Farouk Gouida have a greater geographical scope compared to the common discourses in Reza Braheni's poetry, because heteroglossia in Braheni's poetry is often characterized by conscious individual hybridization or high emotional interaction with characters.  


Main Subjects

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