Features of the domestication strategy in Kashf ul-asrar Meybodi (a case study of surah forqan)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Translation, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran


One of the motives for translating the Quran is the urgent need of human beings, especially non-Arabs, to understand the words of God Almighty. Rashid al-Din al-Meybodi took a tremendous step in this path, through his valuable impact by “Kashf ul-asrar and Odat al-Abrar”. He set about translating, interpreting the Quran in three levels, and excluded the third level, which was devoted to clarifying the symbols of the pious and Sufis, with a wide area of ​​interest, and most of the research revolved around it, while the first level that was held for the translation of the Quranic verses remained far from the spotlight, which led to this research being held on the one hand, and on the other hand, the existence of different visions about the translation led to it. The diversity of the strategies followed, and among those strategies are Domesticationand Foreignization, the aim of which is to highlight the peculiarities of the target text or the original text. The article made an effort to uncover the domestication strategy in the translation of Surah Al-Forqan as a sample of this interpretation using an inductive analytical approach. It was reached by listing the types of domestication strategy and their prevalence rate in the translation of Surah Al-Forqan and the translator's loyalty balance of the original text.


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