The impact of globalization on the cultural particularism of Iranian and Algerian novels (Case Study: the novels “Eshgh va chizhaye digar”and “Mamlakat al- Farasha”)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Arabic Language and Literature at Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran

2 Perofessor in Departman of Arabic Language and Literature at Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran


Globalization appeared as a global phenomenon in the second half of the twentieth century, then its influence expanded with the information revolution in the subsequent years, and it has come to affect all intellectual, cultural, and knowledge fields in all around the world including the Algerian and the Iranian novel, which represent the identity of these societies and express their cultural characteristics. The novels “Mamlakat al- Farasha” (The Butterfly’s Kingdom) by Wassini Al-Araj and “Eshgh va chizhaye digar” (The Love and other things) by Mustafa Mastour are among the narrative works published in the second decade of the 3rd millennium, the period in which the effects of globalization are most evident because globalization has created new cultural concepts and patterns that do not correspond to the characteristics of local and Islamic communities. This paper based on the transformational globalization theory with a comparative descriptive-analytical approach deals with the impacts of globalization on the cultural particularism of the above-mentioned novels. The results indicate that globalization has affected the cultural particularism of both novels and its traces are widely manifested in their language and lifestyle, such that language hybridization appeared as a predominant effect of globalization on language used in these novels with the difference, Araj was more interested in using the French language, while Mastoor was limited to English. In addition, phenomena such as consumer culture, use of global technologies and social networks, hedonism, obscenity and materialism are manifested as the most important effects of globalization on the lifestyles in these two novels, with this difference that use of global technologies mainly Facebook appeared only in “Mamlakat al Farasha” and on the other hand the issue of materialism was reflected only in “Eshgh va chizhaye digar”.


Main Subjects

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