Morphological subjects in interpretative heritage of Ahl-e-Beyt

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Esfahan

2 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Esfahan

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Islamic Theology and Teachings, University of Esfahan


Studying deeply in the interpretive views of the Ahl al-Bayt due to this fact that they are the closest people to the origin of revelation provides the ground for explaining the necessity and contribution of each linguistic knowledge in the interpretation of the word of God, etymology is one of these sciences. Therefore, the present study examines the morphological points in the view of the Ahl al-Bayt and their views, in which the importance of etymology science in understanding the Qur'an as a tool to help express the meanings and discover them becomes clear. This article has extracted, categorized and analyzed the types of interpretive narrations of the first fifteen parts of the Qur'an which have morphological points based on the Shiite interpretations of Al-Burhan and Noor al-Thaqalin and the interpretation of Al-Dar Al-Manthur from the Sunnis. This research has evaluated the data by library method and descriptive-analytical method. This discussion has main results including: The method used in the narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt draws everyone's attention to the issue of defining morphological categories, synonymy in morphological forms, and distinguishing obscure words through derivation. Scholars have not yet examined the points on which the Ahl al-Bayt have focused and issued their permissibility in speech. Also, according to the left Arabic sources, the Ahl al-Bayt have snatched the lead from others in the field of presenting new definitions for the noun of the subject and the object.


Main Subjects

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