"Angels of the Earth" by Nizar Al-Kinani Statistical stylistic study

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Stylistics is a critical approach among critics concerned with studying texts from the linguistic and crucial sides, and many linguistic studies are based on it. Style is related to the linguistic system, and the statistical approach is one of the linguistic approaches in stylistic analysis. If we want to summarize stylistics in a brief phrase, we say that it seeks to study the structure of poetry by shedding light on the recurring phenomena in the text according to the three levels; Vocal, structural, and rhetorical, and revealing the prominent influences used by the writer. Stylistics does not only depend depend not only on the form of the word but also the depth of its underlying connotations, bypassing the stage of simplification to a deeper location when it deals with the language of the text artistically. Based on these data, this research dealt with the study of the poem "Lamentation of Al-Hussein (pbuh)" by the Iraqi poet "Nizar Al-Kinani" in the "Angels of the Earth" collection, in the light of the descriptive-analytical and statistical approach, with the data of linguistics and stylistic phenomena. The poet Al-Kinani mourns Imam Al-Hussein (PBUH) sadly and sheds tears over his estrangement and heinous killing. For this reason and other reasons, the poet used sad expressions and words. The study result indicate that the terms used were in proportion to the space of sad poems, so the poet came up with harmonious words in the places of stress and strength. Luxurious, resonant, and intense in forces at the vocal level. The poet also intensified the invocation of expressive structures and formulas that fit the meanings and tragedies in Karbala.


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