Kuwaiti social culture and its impact on different language behaviors of men and women through the lens of the local dialect

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Doctorate in Arabic language and literature from Allameh Tabataba’i University


Linguistic differences and different types of language between speakers of a society have long attracted the attention of linguists. Community culture helps to create different language behaviors. Therefore, it can be said that the culture of society is one of the main factors in creating linguistic differences. Given the importance of studying the culture of the community about the language spoken by the speakers of the community, this article tries to address the differences in language behaviors between the sexes in Kuwait's culture through the perspective of the local dialect. For example, common phrases in Kuwaiti dialects are mentioned: in the book "The Encyclopedia of the Kuwaiti Language" written by Abdul Qader Abdul Aziz Al-Rasheed and the book "The Dictionary of Kuwaiti Words" by Jalal Al-Hanafi, the book “Kuwaiti Folk Expressions” by Ghonima Fahd Al-Fahd and the book “Ateej Al-Souf: An Encyclopedia of the Kuwaiti Dialect” by Ons Issa Majed Al-Shaheen., as well as experienced and educated citizens and the elderly of Kuwait. The most important results of this article based on the descriptive-analytical approach are: that the culture of Kuwaiti society distinguishes men from women; Because men can do the best things that women can not do. Thus, through the Kuwaiti dialect, we find a kind of gender distinction in social status. Also, based on the examples studied in this article, it can be claimed that differences in the linguistic behavior of the sexes is are a global phenomenon and Kuwaiti society is no exception.


Main Subjects

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