The Palestinian Consciousness Confronting the Occupation in the movie "Paradise Now" by Hani Abu-Assad from the Perspective of Laclau and Mouffe

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Tehran, Iran


Human societies have always faced the difficulties and challenges of life. Technical texts often appeared as a contribution to solving these problems. In the Islamic world, especially in Palestine, the way to deal with the occupier is one of the most important issues, and different countries and organizations have different positions in this regard. Hence, many discourses related to the question of Palestine arose, which were reflected in artistic and literary texts. In the same context, cinema, as one of the most powerful and effective means of expression by reflecting discourses in societies, was an appropriate platform for understanding different ideas in this regard. In Palestinian cinema, a part of Palestinian art and literature can also be seen. The main theme of this research is to analyze how political and social issues, especially views of resilience and sustainability, are reflected in the movie "Paradise Now". This issue is very important. Because by revealing the contents of the speeches in the movie "Paradise Now", gives the reader a new perspective on the issues of Palestine. From this standpoint, this article seeks to shed light on the semiotics of this cinematic text, relying on Laclau and Mouffe's theory of discourse analysis. One of the most important results of this research is the existence of many discourses in the field of standing against the occupiers. Among these discourses is the armed struggle through martyrdom operations, and the other is finding new ways of fighting, each of which seeks to consolidate its intended meaning. This film, through its presentation of the different discourse ideas of the Palestinian society regarding the methods of standing against the occupiers, removes the veil from the bitter reality and shows how these discourses line up against the Zionist enemy.


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