The symbolism of public and endless places in the novel "Al-moteshael" by Emil Habibi

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tehran University-Farabi Colleges, Qom, Iran



Since the main conflict in the Palestine issue is the struggle for land and place, the novelist’s place played an important role in the novel “The Strange Facts about the Disappearance of Said Abi Al-Nahas the Pessimist.” The place in which this novel is represented by a distinct symbolic role by which the writer presents the suffering of the Palestinian people through the suffering of the place by mentioning the many facets of him in his work. As for theorizing about space and space, there are semiotic theorists among them: Bashlar, Ghaleb Helsa, and Yuri Lutman. Yuri Lotman was a philosopher, linguist, and semis at the Soviet University of Tartu. Lutman is considered the founder of the Tartu School of Semiotics. He has authored more than 800 books. Among the most famous are: The World of Mind, Mechanisms of Unexpected Culture, Culture and Openness, and The Structure of Artistic Text. He "based his study in his last book on a set of spatial polarizations that appeared in the form of oppositional dualities that combine opposing elements and express the relationships and tensions that occur when the narrator or characters communicate with the places of events. Lutmann established an integrated theory of spatial polarizations based on the assumption that space is a group of homogeneous things from changing phenomena, states, functions, or forms, between which there are relationships similar to the usual normal spatial relations, such as connection and distance. Lutman divided space into four categories. From this point of view, we tried this article based on the descriptive-analytical approach, addressing the role of the place, especially the public places, and the endless place in the novel and its suggestive aspects. It is based on what Yuri Lumen has divided into four types: place, place, Public, and infinite place. We also tried a selective study of the place without a survey; because it requires a series of articles and can not be one article. The results indicate that Habiby shows in his novel the value of the historical cities. The city of Aleppo is used as a symbol of the slave and slave center. It also makes the pyramid a symbol of the branching within the reference to what Timor has done to kill and plunder ... and while we use Baghdad as a symbol of civilization and civilization, The mechanism of ablution. Habibi also shows his feelings and hopes when he uses the city of Haifa and Diamis Acre and tries to balance them. They are centers of launch, rescue, and happiness, and communication with the deep space and the relationship with the space object becomes the appearance of departure and rescue


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