The vivacity of Holy Quran verses in enriching the contemporary poems with the tendency to Sufi approach (poetical works of Rouh Al Bahr va Alrih of Al Bu Saeidi as a symbol)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student. Department of Arabic Literature. Faculty Abadan. Islamic Azad University Abadan. Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Literature. Faculty Abadan. Islamic Azad University Abadan. Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Literature. Faculty Abadan. Islamic Azad University Abadan, Iran


The Holy Quran text is the obvious source which is one of the best references of contemporary poems to disintegrate the minds and dreams darkness; and eliminate not the cultural disorderliness, but the poem’s complications. These points of view led the humans’ valuable creations to Neo-poetry. Therefore, the Koranic terms are like the seeds of sapphire and pearl that shine in lyrics; they have a positive effect on the interlocutor mind and give grandeur and magnificent meaning to the lyrics so the existence of the Koranic terms in such poetries makes them unique and astonishing from others. In addition, what causes this research more brilliance than the others is the impact of the Koranic terms on the upbringing of Sufi poems in the case of syntactic, rhetorical, and poetry forms. Such analytic items donate vitality to the lyric to comprehend the obvious concept of interlocutors based on the descriptive-analytical method. This research was prepared for comprehending the Sufi lyrics by the impact of the Holy Quran to show the use of Sufi terms by poets who have added the figures of speech to the odes. The most significant result of this research is, achieving the poetry foundation of poet Al Bu Saeidi which is arranged in the Holy Quran with the mixture of Sufi approach.


Main Subjects

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