The Afghan Other's Image in the Epic of Adnan Ali Rida Al-Nahwi (A Semiotic Study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Kabul Education University

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran



In modern comparative literature, the focus on the "Other" is a pivotal concept. It involves delving into the experiences of individuals beyond oneself and empathizing with their pains, sorrows, and joys. This entails portraying their reality encompassing victories and defeats and depicting their societal, political, and wartime circumstances, along with prevailing rituals of deprivation, destruction, and ruin. This research aims to uncover the authentic depiction of Afghans that the poet conveyed in his Jihad-themed epic, employing a descriptive-analytical methodology. Among its key focal points are the portrayal of wars, blood-stained homes, images of children, heroes, places, and martyrs. The most significant conclusions drawn by the researcher include the fact that the poet presented genuine pictures of misery, sorrow, and deprivation in his poetry. His poetic creations were devoid of biases as he highlighted the glories of various regions within Afghanistan, fostering unity among diverse ethnic groups. He called upon the mujahideen to unite and avoid disagreements in both thought and action. He also delved into children's literature, articulating their inquiries and thoughts, and he never abandoned the heroic achievements of the Afghan people, underscoring the importance of martyrs and their sacrifices in the pursuit of liberation.


Main Subjects

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