Encountering Madness in the Novel Al-Maristan Written by Mohamed El Gizawy (A Research in the Light of Nietzsche's Thoughts)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in the branch of Arabic language and Literature, Department of Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Arts and foreign languages, Allama Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor in the branch of Arabic language and Literature, Department of Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Arts and foreign languages, Allama Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran



Madness is not necessarily a disease. The madness of the new era in the West and the mystical madness in the East are examples of this subject, and Nietzsche, as a person directly involved in madness, has ideas about madness in various fields, including literature. In this research, parts of Nietzsche's ideas were applied to examples from the novel The Al-Martian and the result we came to is that: the phenomenon of insanity in this novel was not a contagious disease, but a voluntary thing that could apply to many people if it appeared. The scope of insanity is wide, and anyone in society can go crazy, and there is no difference between ordinary people and intellectuals. This madness is highly valued, and it is not against reason, therefore it does not require a doctor or treatment, and therefore it can have advocates, and have a message, for those who advocate insanity. In a broader sense, insanity is opposed to politics, because it is not like politics to accept insanity and live with it or live under its light, so in the first step, you think about removing it, and if you cannot, you identify insanity in some circumstance, this circumstance may be the "Al-Maristan". Although this circumstance seems very limited, he may use his abilities to spread insanity on a large scale.


Main Subjects

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