Different semantic indexes in the eyes of Dick al-Jinn al-Hemsi A research based on examining psychological meanings and special linguistic capacities

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran


Undoubtedly, examining the types of meaning indicates that there are different types of meaning according to different semantic theories, each of which points to a specific aspect of the meanings of words. Among them, we can refer to the primary, secondary, psychological and structural meanings and special linguistic capacities in the production of meaning. Among the poets of the Abbasid period, Dik al-Jan Homsi is one of those who has paid special attention to processing different meanings in his expression, as he has shown a special ability in expanding psychological meanings as well as metatextual and special meanings. One of his literary masterpieces is a long ode that he wrote in mourning for the Ahl al-Bayt and the bloodlust of the children of the Messenger of God, during which he raised very high meanings in explaining their position and suppressing their enemies. The results show that he benefited from psychological approaches and special linguistic abilities to show the exalted position of Ahl al-Bayt in front of the inferior position of their enemies, and in this way, he expressed both his sorrow and his sense of revenge well.


Main Subjects

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