Haa wa asfar Ashtar"The entity of time in the novel by Izz al-Din Jalawji

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Arabic Language, An-Najah University, Nablus, Palestine



The research aims to clarify the periods in which the character lived, and the psychological and mental influences that instilled in it the spirit of rebellion in its three periods: childhood, maturity, and the fantastical time. It explores how this character managed to live its time in confronting society in its thoughts, traditions, and views despite facing punishments, manifested by psychological torment and physical imprisonment. The problem of the research lies in the issue of some minds carrying a greater awareness than that of their society, leading to confrontation. The temporal awareness experienced in childhood exceeds the traditional temporal awareness of society, resulting in a discordance between the protagonist's time and consciousness with that of the hierarchical society that has not evolved over the years. This led to a shocking confrontation at that time. The research methodology relies on the descriptive approach, observing the phenomenon of time and its divisions and connections in consciousness. The research yielded several results, among the most important being that the periods were closely linked to the character's thoughts and consciousness. Each period had its intellectual specificity. In childhood, the narrator was linked to the idea of seriousness. In maturity, the narrator was linked to thought and rebellion against societal traditions. In the fantastical time, it was linked to the idea of the failure of human attempts to escape from the confines of time.


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